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Politics/headline news
Making a ruckus
The US congressional committee on religious freedom currently visiting Egypt is not receiving a very warm welcome by intellectuals and the press. The commission, supposedly investigating issues of religious tolerance in the country, is being accused of meddling in internal Egyptian affairs. Al-Wafd headlined its paper on Tuesday with the statement: Egypt's Muslims and Copts reject the advice of the American committee.
Market make-over seeks money boom
The Egyptian stock market headquarters on Sherifein Street downtown has been completely renovated, and the trading floor equipped with the latest in IT equipment, helping to take the stock market to higher level of security and efficiency. The improvements in the market's infrastructure were accompanied by a massive marketing campaign featuring ads in the papers and magazines, as well as a slick TV ad that takes viewers on a tour of the new stock market, making it look like the floor was no less active than that of New York Stock Exchange. The market itself, however, is still relatively in the doldrums, despite the facelift.
Urban planning
Lighting the port
The southern entrance to the city of Port Said is being given a massive facelift, with nearly 100,000 square meters of green area being filled with grass, decorative tress and palms. The LE1 million project aims to also provide enhanced lighting for the ring road connecting the city to other Northern ports, in an attempt to reduce traffic accidents in the area.
All quiet at the scene
Police are still trying to figure out what made him do it. The man who attacked a Japanese tourist at the pyramids, stabbing her during a robbery attempt, is in police custody as he recovers from wounds sustained during his capture.
Fake plane tickets help Visa fraud
A tour company owner is being investigated by police, according to Al-Akhbar's crime page, for allegedly masterminding a fraud operation involving $390,000 worth of fake airline tickets. The man is accused of taking advantage of his access to customers' credit card numbers to use them to purchase fake tickets....
Challenging the zone
In the Masakin Sheraton neighborhood near the airport, Al-Akhbar reports that a man has decided to construct a private entrance to his first floor apartment, leading directly from the street. Apparently, his neighbours had previosly complained to local authorities, who came by and ordered the work halted. But later, the man resumed construction of the private entrance, thus inspiring the paper to include a picture of the on-going construction and an open letter to the Cairo governor urging him to stop the violation immediately.
Several incidents of zoning violations were highlighted by the papers this week.
Al-Wafd, meanwhile, features a picture of a furniture factory in Shubra that has decided to construct a sky-walk between two of its buildings without obtaining the proper permits... The paper says that this is the latest in a series of violations by the company, which has been sort of taking over the side street neighborhood where it is located (closing off the road to non-work traffic, turning it into a parking lot for employees, etc.), with no concern for other residents. Are the authorities too busy to deal with such violations, the paper asks...
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