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Rasha Garea: Highlights from the Premier
Read a review of the film here.
Ashraf Abdel-Baki decided to do something a little different for the sneak preview and premier of his new film "Rasha Garea" (Dare to Give). 20 minutes into the experiment it was unclear how successful it would be.
Basically, what it came down to was this: the producers had reserved all six of the multiplex's screens for the event. They had some system - the usher called it "interlock" - that allowed them to screen the same film on all the screens, one after the other. The cinema I was in - number 2 - was the last one to start.
The celebrities who had come to be with Ashraf on his big day were scattered and divided amongst the multiplex's six cinema's. Our cinema had veteran comic actor Wahid Seif, directors Khairy Bishara and Mohamed Khan, and young star Ahmed Eid amongst the luminaries. Mohamed Heneidi and Alaa Walieddin, along with Fifi Abdu, were upstairs. Their screening had already began, about ten minutes ago. Our room was getting impatient. For one thing, some of the paparazzi (including myself) were worried that by the time our screening was over, the luminaries from the other cinemas would have been long gone. I started to plan my exit from the film fifteen minutes before the end so I would catch the crowd outside.
But then two things happened. The film finally began. And it held my attention till the very end. I relaxed a bit, convinced nobody would leave till our screening ended. It was true. When it did, they were all still there, as these pictures testify.
As for the film itself, it had its ups and downs. But overall it was a refreshing treat.
Read a review here.
Life imitates art, and vice-versa: Ashraf Abdel-Baki and Yasmine Abdel-Aziz sign autographs
Ashraf's pals Mohamed Heniedi and Alaa Walieddin
Salah El-Saadani comes by to say mabrouk
Did you like what he did with your legacy? Directors Khairy Bishara (left) and Mohamed Khan
The standard lineup: The film's stars mug for the camera
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