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Takeef or bust
The summer-time heat has inspired people to spend some of their savings on installing air conditioning in the house. Installment plans and new models that require less wall-breaking are making it even easier to climate control your life. The breathtaking photo above was taken by Ahmad Fahim during the installation of an air conditioning unit in a 6th floor apartment in Abbasia earlier this week.
(June 19 2001, cairolive.com)
More photos by Ahmad Fahim:
Election fever
Ibn Tulun renovations
Extras from the archives:
How to give up... (a story in three parts)
Monday, August 3, 1998
The extreme heat and humidity that have been honoring us with their presence for a while now are supposedly set to disappear by Wednesday. Of course, we've heard it all before... so for now, we'll just sweat it out and wait and see.
Thursday, August 6, 1998
Today is the hottest day yet in this heat wave, which the papers say is the longest heat wave to hit the country in at least 100 years. And, after changing predictions that it would end on Wednesday, then Friday, now meteorologists are admitting that they have absolutely no clear sign as to when the high temperatures and 90 per cent humidity will be replaced by more reasonable summer weather, if ever.
Sunday, August 9, 1998
Yes, indeed, it's still hotter than hot... and now the meteorologists have stopped trying to make us feel better by saying the wave's going to end soon, and are predicting a sixth consecutive week to the unbearable heat. More and more people, meantime, are beginning to resign themselves to the idea that it will probably remain this hot until October, at least...
October 21, 1998
It's my bus, I'll do what I want
The Egyptian Gazette reported that on one of the new air-conditioned public transport buses the driver was not following the rule which stipulates that all passengers be seated, as opposed to the standard on regular public transport buses, which are usually crammed full to breaking point. Instead, the article says, the driver was stopping for anyone who flagged him down. According to the item, "it was not long before the bus turned into a can of salmons as the standing passengers outnumbered the seating ones, who dared to challenge the driver's will and protest this unacceptable situation... The offended driver was appalled by their 'unjustifiable complaint' and decided to teach them a lesson they should not forget. He closed all doors and turned off the air condition, thereby turning the bus into a mobile inferno."
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