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Film can break the barriers of ignorance
Text and photos by Tarek Atia

(, October 10, 2001) Danny Glover sends a video greeting as the 25th Cairo International Film Festival -- taking place in the "worst circumstances anyone can imagine" -- begins with a torrent of confetti
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Film can do this

"The films were all here, the jury was all here -- why postpone the festival?"

It was a year ago that Lebanese model Rola Saad showed up at the opening of the Cairo International Film Festival with purple hair, and now look around -- how many girls have those tell-tale purple streaks in their hair?

Although this year there weren't that many in this crowd -- mainly because Egyptian cinema's younger generation was largely absent amongst the usual melange of tuxedo-clad actors, strappily-dressed starlets and roving camera crews pumping out the standard "happy to be here" clips.

Of course this year there was a slightly different mood. War was literally in the air -- but despite the cancellation of a few of the guests as a result -- the show must go on. The films were all here, the jury was all here -- why postpone the festival?

So then: after the pre-party paparazzi promenade in the marble courtyard of the Opera House, the opening ceremony of the 25th Cairo International Film Festival begins in the opera's main hall. The audience is treated to a multi-media presentation celebrating the festival's silver jubilee. On the big screen at the side of the stage, a panorama of some of the hottest guests to have graced the festival appears, accompanied by a Hussein Fahmy voice-over -- Nicholas Cage, Mustafa El-Akkad, Alain Delon, Sophia Loren, John Malkovich, Omar El-Sherif, etc. All of which highlights the fact that no international stars made it to this year's round. The "worst circumstances anyone can imagine," as Fahmy, when he finally appeared on stage, described the state of war the world has felt since September 11 -- and especially since last Sunday -- did not stop the festival from taking place, but it did stop expected luminaries like Kate Winslet and Danny Glover from taking a plane on over. Glover, however, was kind enough to send a videotaped message, in which he explained that the calls for justice in the US were not calls for revenge -- and would take civilians into account. Both Glover and Fahmy are UN good will ambassadors. Glover, who has visited Egypt with the UN, said the world had much to learn from Egypt. "By learning about each other we can break down the barriers of ignorance. Film can do this." Read more

Photos: The audience drowns in confetti; Festival director Hussein Fahmy (left) and Culture Minister Farouk Hosni

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