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Scenes from Suad Hosny's funeral
Mustafa Mahmoud Mosque
June 28, 2001
(June 26, 2001, cairolive.com) Thousands of mourners turned out at Mustafa Mahmoud mosque in Mohandiseen at noon on Thursday to bid their last farewells to actress Suad Hosny.
Tears were flowing in abundance at the funeral, which proceeded from the mosque, where prayers were read over Hosny's body immediately following the zuhr (daily noon) prayer. The body was then transferred into an ambulance, which had a difficult time navigating its way out of the mosque area because of the density of the crowds. Thousands of men, women and children had turned out, showing their love and devotion for an actress who, even for younger generations (thanks to endless reruns), was more than a familiar face. Suad Hosny was a major symbol of modern Egyptian femininity, an icon of the pretty, smart, dependable girl next door.
click here for a dispatch and more pictures from Suad Hosny's funeral.
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