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Much more than the buzz-word of the day...Insightful commentary and amazing links
By Tarek Atia
The figures arrive
According to recently released census figures, some 820,000 Egyptians are considered permanent emigrants, amongst whom 318,000 reside in the United States.
As for Egyptians who are temporarily residing abroad for work purposes, especially in Gulf countries -- the number is 1.8 million. Of those, 923,000 work in Saudi Arabia, 332,000 in Libya, 226,000 in Jordan, and 190,000 in Kuwait.
The figures on internal population include the stunning revelation that 24 percent of Egypt's population lives in the greater Cairo vicinity...
The study also claims that Egyptians who reside abroad and who have doctorate degrees number 822. That particular figure seems especially low, so if you are an Egyptian cairolive.com reader who lives abroad, and you have a doctorate, write to us and let us know who you are and what your qualifications are so we can start a count of our own.
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