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Letters to the Editor readers respond to the news

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Letters to the Editor
Here, we present some of your responses to the news, views and entertainment you've seen on Thanks, and please keep on commenting.

September Letters (1)

The snakes you love to hate

Dear Sir,
I just want to say that I think your website is a great refreshing change from what I've been noticing online: witty, interesting, and really well written. I LOVED the review of El Silim wal Taaban. You verbalized my thoughts exactly. Keep up the great work,


Suad lives on in the heart

Just wanted to say thank you for caring about your readers' opinions, also I think and I hope you will dedicate more pages in the near future for the legend, the Cinderella of the Arabic screen, the beautiful, the gorgeous the sweetest ever creature the cinema camera ever captured. I also wanted to say that our hearts are bleeding pain, sorrow and dejection for her loss... Suad was an angel and I know she will be joining the angels in heaven, God bless her soul and ease her family's pain

Suad Hosni fan

What a shame what happened to Suad Hosni. No one was willing to help her, that includes the government. She lived in a single room for months and months, hiding from everyone because of the way she looked.
I met her and I was really sad that I did, I wish I did not, but now her life is over. Also what made me sad, is that the morning she committed suicide she took the remains of her clothes and gave them to charity.
She committed suicide not because of depression but because NO ONE HELPED HER, she had no money, and life was getting very difficult for her, especially after the fame and glamour she enjoyed for many years.
I just hope that the same thing does not happen again to anyone, this is a very sad end for a very good actress who will stay in our memory for a long time.
Lets hope this can be a lesson for the future.


Torshi heaven

Dear :
Just wanted to stop by and give a BIG thanks to you guys for sending me the "I Love Torshi" bumper sticker! My family and friends do a double take when they read it, so point made! Thanks again and take care!


HEYYYYY I got my sticker this weekend.... I started jumping up and down... seriously ... I don't know why but I wanted that sticker like nobody's business.....thank you soooooooo much..It's soooooooooooo cool. I didn't realize it would be so cool I thought it was just gonna be all I heart Torshi or something .......... Thank you guys are still my favorite website.. I love the site.. :))


Random praise (send more!)

I must say, your website has really blossomed into something special. I am quite impressed. Keep up the good work.


This was my first visit to and I must say that I truly enjoyed it. The articles were well written, in proper English grammar, which is (unfortunately) unlike most other Egyptian websites. Keep up the good work!


I just have to say.........your site looks great and has great content. alf mabrook!


You have a great online paper. Very informative!



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Read previous letters here:

August Letters (1)
August Letters (2)