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PR extravaganza
Egypt is set to host the largest annual international gathering of public relations professionals, when the group holds its annual conference in 2002. The news was announced in an editorial advertisement in the paper this week, along with the fact that Loula Zaklama, who heads pioneering PR and marketing firm Rada Research, was a member of the international jury which decided on the best public relations campaigns for the year 2000. Zaklama, the ad says, spearheaded the Egyptian effort to secure the hosting of next year's conference. Egypt's victory over other would-be hosts including Greece and Israel , confirms the country's status as a rising force in hosting international conferences.
Inventions galore
The Ministry of Youth and Sports is currently preparing for a major exhibition featuring some 4000 young Egyptian inventors and their work. Businessmen, industrial leaders and heads of research institutes will also be invited to attend the fair, where they will get a first hand look at the creative talents of the younger generations. The exhibition is meant to provide a framework for greater cooperation between potential investors and youthful inventors, allowing ingenuity to eventually make its way to the marketplace. The item in Al-Ahram does not, however, mention when the fair is set to take place.
Too much swimming
A phone bill was the catalyst which ruined a five-year marriage between a 36-year-old accountant and his 31-year-old engineer ex-wife, according to an item in Al-Akhbar. When the husband went to pay the bill, he was shocked to discover that he owed the phone company a whopping LE4000. When he asked for a detailed bill, he discovered that 300 calls had been made from his house to a mobile phone belonging to a swimming instructor at a nearby sports club. The discovery sent the husband into a rage, and massive marital disputes began, which ended in court cases and a very messy divorce, the paper says.
Telephone news
Egypt Telecom to get 3rd license
Prime Minister Atef Ebeid announced in front of the People's Assembly last week that the third license for a mobile phone network will be awarded to the telephone company, Egypt Telecom. The license, however, Ebeid said, will cost the phone company a cool LE1 billion. Ebeid was assuaging fears that the company would be getting the license for free.
Fool-proof bill
A new 20 pound note has been released to the public, reports Al-Ahram. The note looks very similar to the old 20, but features more advanced safeguards which make it practically impossible to counterfeit. Amongst the features are a thin strip of magnetic strip with the word LE20 written on it, in addition to the holograms of Tutankamun which change color depending on the light, and other security measures. It was widely known that the 20 was one of the most popular bills amongst counterfeiters.
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