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Politics/headline news
Burns in Cairo
Special US envoy to the Middle East William Burns is expected to meet with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Thursday. Burns, the former US ambassador to Jordan, has already met with Palestinian and Israeli leaders in an attempt to fulfil his mission of bringing the parties out of the current conflict. Burns is using both the Mitchell report and the Egyptian- Jordanian intitiative as blueprints to finding a framework upon which both sides could agree. He faces an uphill battle however, considering the depth and scale the conflict has taken on since it began on September 28, 2000.

Mobiles join the arsenal
With final exams in universities and schools either underway or set to begin, Al-Wafd could not resist doing a half page feature on cheating. The paper says that mobile phones are quickly replacing more traditional means of cheating on tests, as students immediately pick up on ways that new technologies can help them get by when studying just doesn't cut it. Although the number of actual cheating incidents that have been discovered is small, the feature is full of stories of text messages with answers being sent by students, and the use of mobiles as decoys to disract proctors while other students cheat.

Telephone news
Bills to be collected at home
Telecom Egypt head Aqil Bashir told the press on Tuesday that a final decision had been made to begin colleting phone bill payments on a monthly basis from people at home, similar to the way electricity bills are paid. There will be an additional LE2.75 charge added to each bill to cover the costs of this method of collection, which will begin next year. The decision was taken after a successful trial run of the service in Shubra. Currently, phone bills are paid twice a year at phone company offices.

New developments/ad watch
Make your own burger
The American hamburger chain Fuddruckers is opening its first branch in Cairo on Wednesday May 30, according to ads that have been appearing in the papers over the past week. Fuddrucker's style of do-it- yourself burgers will join the bevy of other burger choices already available in town. The new restaurant is located on Mecca Street in the heart of Mohandiseen.

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