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Be wary of beat-up banknotes
A high-level banking official told Al-Akhbar recently that
Egyptian banks needed to buckle down on their policies
regarding old or damaged notes. The head of the
banking union was quoted in a front page item in the
paper criticizing banks for not doing their part to stop
the circulation of the beat up notes. He said that money
is often received from customers and then given to other
customers without the requisite checks to make sure all
the notes are in good condition. The official stressed
that every customer had the right to reject old notes
given to them by any bank, and request new ones
instead. He blamed certain sectors of the economy for
the poor condition the notes are often in. Specifically
targeted were manual laborers who, the official said,
mishandled the notes, allowing grease and chemicals to
interact with the paper, thus speeding up the aging
process. The official also said that writing on the notes
was illegal, and that this was another primary cause of
the problem.
Egyptian wins Iraqi photo contest
An Egyptian photographer won first prize in an
international photography competition held recently in
Iraq. Photographers from 25 countries took part in the
competition, which was sloganed "A message of love
and peace". Egyptian photographer Adly Zaki won first prize for a
stunning photo he took of worshipers visiting the
mosque and tomb of Sayidna al-Hussein in Cairo...
to see the winning pic click here
Ad expenditure not looking too bad
A study prepared by ajeeb.com estimated the Arab
world's internet ad expenditure at $2.5 million for the year
2000. The study estimated that this figure would increase to reach $70 million by the year
2005. This year should see more than a doubling of
internet ad expenditure by Arab companies, to reach $6
million, the study indicated. Although factors like last
year's dot com crash in the US were affecting the
market, it was still in the early stages, the study argued,
and companies in the region were still willing to look
into increasing the percentage of their total ad expenditure
going towards the internet. This increase would be in
tandem to an overall boost in web users in the Arab
world from the current 3.5 million to an estimated 25
million by 2005.
Role reversal for former mushaghib
Veteran comedian Said Saleh is set for a role reversal in
a new cinematic version of the classic play Madrasat al
Mushaghibeen (School of Troublemakers). Saleh, who
along with Adel Imam and Ahmed Zaki, played the
original trouble-makers at the school on stage, is now slated to
play the principal in the new film version, reports Al-
Wafd. If it's even half as funny as the original, the new
Madrasat al Mushaghibeen should certainly be one to
watch out for.
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