Politics/headline news
They feel the same way
(cairolive.com, April 15, 2002) Most of Sunday's papers featured the results of a recent Time magazine/ CNN poll on their front pages. The poll indicated that 60 per cent of Americans favor cutting or reducing US economic aid to Israel if Israel continues to refuse withdrawal from the occupied territories.
Only 21 per cent of those polled thought there was hope that Powell's tour would bring peace.


Politics/headline news
Not much Tel Aviv traffic
(cairolive.com, April 15, 2002) The front pages of most papers on Monday included items denying that Egypt Air had cancelled its flights to Israel in protest against Israeli actions, as had been extensively reported by news agencies over the weekend.
For the past week or so, the items said, passengers on Egypt Air subsidiary Sinai Air scheduled flights to Tel Aviv had been transferred to other airlines in an attempt to defray costs since most of the flights were empty.
Yesterday, however, the papers report, a Sinai air flight flew from Cairo to Tel Aviv with only 20 or so passengers on board, even though the plane's capacity is 150.


Politics/headline news
Intifada injuries to be treated in Egypt
(cairolive.com, April 15, 2002) Dozens of Palestinians injured during the all-out Israeli assault on Palestinian territories will be treated in Egypt, according to a tiny item on the front page of Sunday's Al-Akhbar.
The item quotes an unnamed top official at the Rafah border between Egypt and Gaza as saying that ambulances are waiting at the Egyptian side to take patients to local hospitals once the permission for them to cross the border is given by the Israeli authorities. 


Politics/headline news
Maher explains his Arafat visit
(cairolive.com, April 15, 2002) Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher is quoted on the front page of Sunday's Al-Akhbar describing his visit to Palestinian president Yasser Arafat, as one of support for the Palestinian's cause, rather than an attempt by Egypt to pressure Arafat into making concessions, as it was portrayed in the Israeli media. Maher said the Israelis were doing their best to strangle any Egyptian attempts at initiating peace between the two sides.  
Maher said his visit to Arafat was meant to provide the Palestinian leader with details regarding Hosni Mubarak's meeting with  US Secretary of State Colin Powell, as well as to express Egypt's strong support of the Palestinians leader.
In fact Maher was the first top Arab official to visit Arafat since his siege began over two weeks ago.




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