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Politics/headline news
Ashrawi to speak up for the Arabs
New Arab League secretary general Amr Moussa, during his regional tour this week, announced that the League would soon have an official spokesperson. On Tuesday Moussa told reporters the spokesperson would be a prominent Arab politician. On Wednesday Al-Hayat newspaper confirmed that the spokesperson would be Palestinian politician Hanan Ashrawi. Ashrawi, a prominent and outspoken supporter of the Palestinian cause, is admired and respected in Arab as well as Western circles. The news came as a surprise to some observers, who wondered why Moussa , himself a much-loved public spokesman for the Arab cause, would choose to share the microphone with someone else.

Telephone news
Find out how much you're going to pay
If you try calling 177 today, and for the next few weeks, you are likely to get a permanent busy signal. That's because starting today, Thursday, the phone company Telecom Egypt has opened up the 177 line for people with phone numbers ending in odd numbers, to find out how much their current phone bill is. The service comes in the midst of a major transition in the way phone bills are paid in Egypt. From now on, customers have the choice of receiving and paying their bills from the comfort of their own homes, as long as they agree to pay a small additional fee.

New developments
Civil aviation satellite on the way
Both Al-Ahram and Al-Akhbar announced news of different agreements that had been signed by Egyptian civil aviation officials in France this week. On Al-Ahram's front page, the news was that the two countries had signed an agreement whereby France would help develop and improve Egypt's civil aviation infrastructure, including the labs at the air traffic control institute where future air traffic controllers are trained. Al-Akhbar, meanwhile, concentrated on the agreement signed between the two countries for France to build a new satellite to help monitor air traffic in the Middle East and Africa. The 800 million dollar satellite, which will be funded by a consortium of African countries, should be ready for launch in 2003, the paper says.

Lots of new flicks
For a quick look at some of the changes going on in the world of cinema this week click here.

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