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Zaki thanks Mubarak
After President Hosni Mubarak awarded him the highest state honor for the arts last week, actor Ahmed Zaki took out a front page ad in Al-Ahram to personally thank the President for the honor.
"I felt, during the moment that you presented me with the award, that I was being rewarded for my entire artistic career, all in one moment," says the hand-written note, which also features a picture of Zaki receiving the award from Mubarak for his role as late president Anwar Sadat in Mohamed Khan's Ayam al-Sadat (Days of Sadat). The much-discussed film is entering into its second successful weekend at the box office.

Too many computers?
A second computer shopping mall has opened near Heliopolis's Roxy district. The new mall, called Dar Al-Computer (Computer House), is located on Damascus Street in Heliopolis, a locale mainly known for its plethora of automotive spare parts and accessories dealers. With 30 outlets all in one place, and all selling practically the same computer software and accessories, the mall looks to be a close cousin of the original computer mall off of Roxy's Khalifa Al-Ma'moun. Will the new mall feature the same lack of parking space as the original, which is rather unfortunately located on a very narrow side street?

Environmental tourism set to boom
The Ministry of Tourism has been busy helping the private sector develop ways for Egypt to take advantage of the growing popularity of environmental tourism worldwide. According to ministry research, it represents a potential source of an additional LE2 billion in revenue for the country. An item in Al-Akhbar indicates that a group of investors is planning to open several environmentally-friendly hotels featuring natural materials, simple construction, and... no electricity.
One such hotel -- lit up by candles and kerosene -- exists in Siwa, and the item says it is fully booked for the next three years, despite the fact that it costs $200 a night to stay there, some four times more than at other hotels.
The tourist development authority is looking at other pieces of land in Siwa, and both Sinai, and south Sinai, for the investors to begin implementing their environmentally friendly projects.
Egypt hopes to attract a total of 9 million tourists a year by the year 2005.

Hariri lays it bare
On a recent visit to Cairo, Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq El-Hariri discussed Egyptian-Lebanese trade with a group of Egyptian businessmen, as well as members of the Lebanese-Egyptian friendship society. Hariri bemoaned the low levels of inter-Arab trade in general, saying the number one reason for this, was "beaurocracy". According to the papers, Lebanese investors are participating in LE3.8 billion worth of 164 projects in Egypt, and there is some $110 million in Lebanese-Egyptian trade annually.

Moulin to open Alexandria
Moulin Rouge, the Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor film that opened this year's Cannes Film Festival, is also slated to open this fall's Alexandria Mediterranean Film Festival, the papers report. The festival, which begins on 5 September, is trying hard to improve its status as an international venue for top-quality films.

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