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updated February 8, 2003

Dreams come true sometimes

Reading through Cairo Live on the Internet for some time prompted me to make a Life Long Wish come true , and that was to visit Cairo and the surroundings areas.
I would like to take the opportunity to express my feelings, of my impressions of this exciting city.
This triumphant city, with its architectural and human identity, is thronging with movement of life, and basks in a glorious past, with achievements of an awesome present.
To appreciate Cairo's magnetism and to understand the spirit of this living metropolis, you must move back 50 centuries to appreciate the excitement of this city which abounds in unbelievable splendors .
This mighty city, with its flyovers, tower Blocks, and constant traffic, is on the surface, as most modern cities, the world over. However amongst all the rush and bustle, the mood of the village has been transferred into the city, in sidewalk cafes, and markets, sometimes in the presence of goats wandering their way through the traffic.
I was welcomed to Cairo , as one would welcome friends. With arms outstretched, she invited me to join those people who cherish her in friendship and peace.
This indeed was a holiday to remember.
Ian Bireel
, Australia

I am so happy the museum is being remodeled and the beautiful works of art no longer piled like junk. We visited there 2 years ago and were so awed by all of the wonderful antiquities! I am so glad you will be taking better care of them. Bless you all, Egypt. An American admirer of Cairo

I had the honor to visit the museum a couple of years ago and know it might be sometime before I get to do so again. Will any pictures of the artifacts be posted on line so we can view them?
Dan Davies


Strong sentiments

I might be the last person you want to hear from, but i just wanted to say something. Being an Egyptian American in every sense of the term, my mother is Anglo American and my father is from Egypt, and even growing up here. I have been raised Christian by my mother and it is my faith. I found it a little hurtful to read your article 11/9 a year later. Some of the comments were very harsh and even a little insensitive. I mean I understand that a lot of people feel this way about us and all but innocent people died. I know that happens over there all the time and sometimes at the hands of our country, but no matter what killing is killing and whoever is doing it is wrong. As for the treatment of Arabs over here, it hasn't changed at my college the day of the attacks you saw Jews, Muslims, Christians, everyone coming together to mourn and grieve for all the innocent people who died. I have said this to people before, I think if the older generation of people would just step back from their hate of each other and realize that we all have to share this world maybe we could get along a little better. I know this is somewhat naive and a lot of wishful thinking on my part.
Another thing is my first trip to Egypt was when I was 15, my second, I was 18, I fell in love with the country and the people and had even planned to come and study at the American University. Now I wonder if it is even safe for me to visit, if there is such animosity towards Americans. I am very white with freckles and blue eyes I look nothing like my father or the rest of my family. How would I be treated? Would people hate me? Egypt is in my heart and so are the people there. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of what will happen to my family and everyone else there if we go to war. I believe terrorists should be stopped! But I pray for all the innocent people that might be hurt, that have no part in this. But I believe the saying is true in every religion there are those few that give the million others a bad name. I don't know what you will think of me or my opinion, I mean no one any disrespect or do I wish to offend anyone. I just wanted to share my thoughts. You will always be in my prayers.

I think that it's pretty ironic that the United States prides itself so on being the land of democracy when it doesn't even listen to it's own citizens. There is a huge anti-war movement growing by the moment but the administration turns a deaf ear. It seems that the president wants a war and will do whatever he must in order to get it. I'm really getting sick-literally-when I read about how many horrible things he's up to. He says that he's working for the environment when in fact he has removed dozens of pieces of legislation protecting the forests and wildlife. He says that he works for peace all the while pushing for war. He says that he's working to eliminate weapons of mass destruction when he has pulled out of the ABM treaty and has taken the use of nuclear weapons from an absolute last resort to just another possibility. I'm sick of this guy and I'm an American citizen. Isn't he supposed to be my "representative?"


Questions that need answering

Gentlemen. Egypt is a very nice touristic place that the Egyptians could make a lot of money from. Leave the politics and war alone, take care of your wonderful and ancient country that God give you. Don't you know how the world sees Egypt? 

I was wondering how often you update your website? Would it be hourly, weekly or monthly. The TV programs are as old as Ramadan, the Dardasha part is outdated.


Praise is always nice

I have to hand it to you, your English is perfect, your advice is very good.  Keep up the good work, I really enjoy reading your site. Thanks from a reader from Los Angeles, California

Thank you for your very informative web site. My husband & I are traveling to Egypt for the first time in February. Both of us are very excited and with your help we can arrive there a bit more informed about your country!!!

I love this site!

I always open your e-mail news reports with excitement in my heart. My first visit to Egypt was in 1950/51. I was stationed at RAF Kabrit as a young man just 18 years of age. Wonderful memories linger in my mind. Since those years I have been fortunate enough to visit your country many times. My visits to Luxor, Alex, Ismailia, Aswan, Abu Simbel and of course Cairo in recent years only leave me wanting to see more of your historical treasures and sail along the Nile once again. Your articles from the newspapers help me to relive the past and look forward to a future visit as soon as possible! Keep up the good work, kindest regards......
Don Robinson
Wales UK




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