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Dual usage for parallel pyramids
Construction work is nearly complete on the large
replica of the pyramid of Khafre being built at the 6
October Media City in preparation for the filming of the
new TV series El-Bar El-Gharbi (The West Bank). With
a million pound budget, the series is one of the most
expensive ever made by Egyptian TV. A replica of the
Sphinx and the village of Nazlet El-Samman at the foot
of the Pyramids has been constructed for the series,
which is scripted by Mohamed Galal Abdel-Qawi and
directed by Ismail Abdel-Hafez. Al-Ahram reports that
TV officials have decided to make the set, even after
filming is complete, a permanent landmark at the Media
City. And just like the real pyramids, it will
feature a sound and light show as well.
Big day for Al-Ahram
Press giant Al-Ahram celebrated its 125th birthday this
week. The media house, which publishes 14
newspapers and magazines, in addition to its trademark
Arabic daily, gave its readers something special in
Sunday's edition: a copy of the first issue of Al-Ahram
ever published, on August 5, 1876. The paper itself on
Sunday was chock full of ads from the country's biggest
companies congratulating the paper on its big
anniversary. From its modest origins in Alexandria, Al-
Ahram now occupies three large buildings in downtown
Cairo, as well as several state of the art printing houses and representative
offices in dozens of countries worldwide. In between its first editor,
was Selim Takla, and its current editor, Ibrahim Nafie, the paper was run by press luminaries
such as Mohamed Hassanein Heikal, Ahmed Bahaeddin and
Ali Amin.
New developments
Government by phone
The government has just introduced a new service --
information about government services by phone. Just
dial 131 and 21 government ministries will be available
at the touch of a button. The service is mainly meant to
help people find out what paperwork they need before
they head off to a government office to complete their
business. The service also indicates how much time it
will take to do what you need to do. It will become
clearer in the next few months how useful and effective
the new service is.
Telephone news
Penalty time for odd number delinquents
Tuesday was the last day for phone company
customers whose numbers end in odd numbers to pay
their current six-month bills without incurring a late
penalty. The penalty will be equal to 1.5 per cent of the
value of the bill, not to exceed LE10 for residences and
LE25 for businesses. The phone company is in the
midst of a drastic change in organizing its billing, going
from a 6-month system to one that functions month by
month. Amongst the other changes in billing is the new
option whereby customers can pay their bill to a
collection service that comes straight to their door.
Various reports in the papers have not made it clear
whether customers are happy with the new system --
some articles indicate they are, others that they are not.
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