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Politics/headline news
Aida 2001 called off
The 2001 performance of Opera Aida -- which had been set to take place at the Pyramids in October -- has been cancelled, all the papers report today. The show was called off in light of last Tuesday's attack in the United States, and the increasingly tense winds of war being felt worldwide. Cancellations had come in from several groups, and the decision was taken in an attempt to minimize the potential losses resulting from the show's timing. The stage, which has already been for the most part built, will remain, and be used for cultural performances, it was announced.

No cars for a day?
Environment Minister Nadia Makram Ebeid has deemed Friday September 21 a "no-car" day, to take place in a yet to be determined Egyptian city, village, street or neighborhood. From 6 AM till 6 PM a selected area will become a "no-cars" zone in a symbolic attempt to increase awareness of the need to reduce the damage done to the environment via automotive fumes. People will be encouraged to ride their bikes instead.

Gorilla at the airport
A woman returning to Cairo from Nairobi tried to bring a gorilla into the country yesterday, without having the proper paperwork completed, the papers all report. Cairo airport authorities were surprised to discover the gorilla with the passenger, and were caught between returning it to its country of origin, or destroying it right there and then. Reason won out in the end, and the animal -- which the papers claim is one of only 36 remaining of its species in the world -- will be heading for the Cairo Zoo.

Mounir "the star"
The argument over name placement in the posters and credits for the forthcoming film Al-Labees (The Dresser) has finally been solved. Actor Sherif Mounir, who submitted a formal complaint at the Actor's Syndicate against the film's producer for not having his name appear big enough in the credits, has now agreed to resolve the dispute with a fine-tuned compromise. The words "the star" will now appear before his name on all materials relating to the film. Al-Labees also stars singer Medhat Salah, and young actresses Shams and Amira Fathy.

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