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Floating hotel for Alex Biblioteque?
Alexandria officials are considering plans to construct a large dock for floating hotels on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea just off Alexandria's corniche, to host some of the prestigious visitors who will be descending on the Egyptian sea side resort city for the April 2002 opening of the Biblitecha Alexandrina. The globally-renowned project is a rebuilding of the Alexandria library of yore. Its gala opening is expected to draw leaders from dozens of nations to Egypt for the occasion.
The ambitious plans under consideration would include a two-story boardwalk and dock with space for shops and restaurants, as well as parking for 20,000 vehicles, reports Al-Akhbar. A bridge would lead to a mooring area for up to five major tourist boats and cruise ships, as well as a world-class marina for yachts.
Scanning the Nile from the sky
LE10-15 million are being sought out from international development agencies for a project to photographically record and digitally scan the entire length of the Nile from Alexandria to Aswan. The 2-year project is set to be undertaken by the Ministry of Public Works and Water Resources, whose minister Mahmoud Abu Zeid announced that the project aims to discover changes in the river's topography that have occurred since the last aerial survey was conducted in 1979. At that time, the costs of scanning the 950 km of Nile only cost LE2 million.
Egyptian rally to overtake desert
This year's Egyptian International Rally is set to embark on its nearly 3000 kilometer desert trek on September 3. The Rally will begin from its traditional starting point
at the foot of the Sphinx. The grueling speed and endurance race -- which takes contestants through the White Desert to Siwa and back to Giza again, will feature a wide
variety of vehicles and participants from around the world. For scenes from last year's rally click here.
Nubian museum takes the cake
Aswan's sublime Nubian museum picked up some of the top awards in the Aga Khan Foundation's architecture competition this year. Al-Ahram reports that the building's exterior and interior designs were being honored by the foundation for their superior uses of space.
The dimly-lit, open-spaced museum tells the history of the Nubian people, putting that story in context with Egypt and the region's history, via life-like displays
and stunning examples of priceless antiquities. The museum is a popular destination for visitors to Aswan, one of Egypt's most beautiful cities.
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